The InsideOut Awards 2024/25


  • Awarded to the employer that has best used technology to support the mental health and wellbeing of employees.

  • Awarded to the employer who has demonstrated the most innovative approach to mental health and wellbeing during the year.

  • Awarded to the employer who has best influenced beyond its own walls e.g. down the supply chain, or into its client base.

  • Awarded to the employer who has the best strategy in relation to Mental Health First Aiders with emphasis given to quality control, support and supervision of the first aiders and measuring impact.

  • Awarded to the Charity/Corporate and Agency jointly for the best mental health campaign during the year.

  • Awarded to the best financial wellness solution, or strategy, that has been adopted by an employer to support the financial wellbeing of their people.

  • Awarded for the most innovative initiative that supports men's mental health in the workplace. This could be a network, a men's group, or an awareness-raising programme.

  • Awarded to the employer that has best supported women's mental health in the workplace. This could be in relation to menopause, fertility or other areas.

  • Awarded to the employer who has best supported the mental health of diverse groups in the workplace via their DE&I strategy.

  • Awarded to the employer with the most effective physical wellbeing initiative during the year.

  • Awards to the employer who has introduced the most innovative solution, or initiative, to engage colleagues in their wellbeing and mental health during the year.

  • Awarded to the wellbeing consultancy, or training organisation, that has had the most impressive impact in supporting clients throughout the year.

  • Awarded to the people team that had the most significant impact on the mental health and wellbeing agenda during the year. This could include Wellbeing/HR/Inclusion/Health & Safety/Benefits.

  • Awarded to the network or ERG that has made the biggest difference in mental health and wellbeing during the year.

  • Awarded to the private hospital, or institution, that has delivered excellence in mental health support services during the year.

  • Awarded to the organisation that has introduced the most effective line manager training programme during the year.

  • Awarded to the multinational organisation that has implemented the best global mental health programme.

  • Awarded to the insurance provider with the best mental health offering for the year.

  • Awarded to the organisation that has best utilised wellbeing data during the year.

  • Awarded to the SME who has implemented the best mental health and wellbeing programme in the year focussing on recovery and preventative solutions.

  • Awarded to the employer based outside of the UK who has implemented the best mental health and wellbeing programme in the year focussing on recovery and preventative solutions.

  • Awarded to the financial services employer who has implemented the best mental health and wellbeing programme in the year focussing on recovery and preventative solutions.

  • Awarded to the public sector employer who has implemented the best mental health and wellbeing programme in the year focussing on recovery and preventative solutions.

  • Awarded to the large employer who has had the biggest impact on colleague mental health and wellbeing in the year.

  • Item description
  • Awarded to the private hospital or institution that has delivered excellence in mental health support services during the year.


  • Awarded to an individual employee who has worked behind the scenes to create the biggest impact on the mental health agenda. This person will not necessarily have lived experience but will have made a difference in their organisation.

  • Awarded to an individual who has shared their story of mental ill-health and created the most impact in their workplace.

  • Awarded to the senior leader (Board, C-Level, Function Head, Partner) who has used their position to best drive positive change and create a mentally healthy culture.

  • Awarded to the People Leader (HRD, CPO, Chief Wellbeing Office, Chief Inclusion Officer, etc.) who has best championed the mental health of employees

  • Awarded to the wellbeing lead who has made the biggest impact in their organisation in driving forward the mental health and wellbeing agenda.

  • Awarded to the line manager who has shown the best commitment to the mental health agenda with practical examples of actively supporting/promoting wellbeing in their teams and supporting individual team members.

  • Awarded to an individual who has had an impact on the mental health agenda befitting of a future leader in the organisation

  • Awarded to the individual based outside of the UK who has made the biggest difference on the mental health agenda in the year.

  • Awarded to the individual who has made the biggest difference on the mental health agenda in the year.

  • Awarded to the individual who has made a significant contribution to workplace wellbeing over their career

  • Awarded to the wellbeing or mental health champion who has made the biggest difference in their workplace


  • Awarded by the Founders of the InsideOut Awards to recognise excellence that may not be captured by the standard categories.

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